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Case study 6

Client details (Approximate age, gender, profession): Client is a single mother in her mid 50’s who is raising her daughter after surviving a messy devoice.

Brief description of the client’s goals:

Client’s goals are to get her daughter through college, get back into the workforce and find a new and lasting relationship.

Initial A.R.L.: 2.43

We started with the ELI assessment to help the client see where she was energetically to start with. She was able to see and relate to that she was primarily a victim in how she dealt with life and how she also had a lot of anger especially toward her ex husband. We then did a wheel of life to help her prioritize what areas of her life she wanted to address. Next I had her visualize and document how she wanted to live her life in 10 years, 5 years, 2 years and 1 year. After she identified her core values we designed a plan to get her where she wanted to be. Since then we have been working her plan and for the most part she feels that she is on track in developing her new life.

Length of time worked with client: 2 years

Client –cited benefits:

Client has recognized that she has been a victim in how she has dealt with life and has tended to blame others, such as her ex husband, for her misfortunes. She feels that she has come a long way in changing how she perceives life and in how she now deals with everyday problems. She says that she now tries to always look at life’s issues from a positive perspective as she realizes that she controls the energy that she projects to others and her environment. She also states that she is still a work in progress.

Client – cited ROI (if known):

Client feels that she is beginning to live the life that she has visualized for herself.



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Case study 6

Client details (Approximate age, gender, profession): Client is a single mother in her mid 50’s who is raising