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I was born in Beirut, Lebanon the same year that saw the end of the 15-year Lebanese civil war. I’ve lived through assassinations that shook our country to its core, as well as the destructive war of 2006 that left us hopeless and turned us into refugees of war. I also grew up without my father since I was 9. Coming of age in a country that was failing at reconciling with its history, I made the biggest executive decision of my life to take charge of my own environment. At 17, I emigrated to the United States on my own. With immigration came the unknown tasks of reinventing myself through improvisation, risk-taking, and solving unfamiliar problems. 

Driven by an immense curiosity for complex problem-solving, I started off my career path as an engineer. I was intrigued by the creative process of designing and developing products that could solve a particular problem and fulfill the market need. In a few years and at a very young age, I transitioned into leadership & management positions in product and business development where I led teams and multi- million dollar product innovations, in fortune 500 companies and startups.

Shortly thereafter, I took a leap of faith and launched my first internet marketing business that picked up fairly quickly. However, the excitement of starting a new business soon faded, as I realized that this path was not fulfilling my soul, was not aligned with my purpose, values, and beliefs. With these deep realizations, it was clear that I needed to make a shift in my life direction. 

In 2018, While climbing mt. Kilimanjaro (tallest mountain in Africa) as part of a mission to raise money to build educational hubs for the youth in Kenya, I experienced a sense of fulfillment & transcendence like never before. As I reached the mountain peak, a major shift occurred. I realized this fulfillment was driven by my found purpose to serve humanity’s greater good.

I realized that my soul was never going to be fulfilled in marketing or engineering. My soul was calling for something bigger, something that brought me back to my intuitive love for problem-solving. It started with solving my own problems, especially as a young man that grew up without a male role model in his life. I had to learn how to be a man and lead my life. My soul was directing me to become a father to myself and to fulfill the human need by helping others evolve in their own journey. On that mountain, I auto corrected my path in life.

When I came back from that mission, I dissolved my marketing company and embarked on a new journey aligned with my purpose and my calling in life. First, I began with the self, by experimenting on myself and healing my past, learning how to tap into my peak potential and entering altered states of mind. I was able to completely shift my life. 

I finally connected the dots between my engineering background, my love for unleashing the human potential, and my love for adventure, nature and freedom.

With a strong calling as a public servant in leadership and personal development, I made it my mission to create more conscious and effective leaders who want to make a positive impact in this world.

I believe that everyone has the ability to become a conscious leader if they choose to, to perform at flow peak states, to create the life of their dreams, and tap into their limitless potential all while having more fun, energy, abundance, joy, love, and freedom.



Mohamad is currently supporting & partnered with non-profit initiatives with the Slumcode Group in Nairobi, Kenya to build environmentally-friendly educational hubs for the youth so they can have better access to education and technology in a safe, green and empowering environment that allows them to develop their talents and gifts; to support them in becoming the leaders of tomorrow.